Detail 01.jpg
Detail 02.jpg
Detail 03.jpg
Detail 04.jpg
Detail 05.jpg
Detail 06.jpg
Detail 07.jpg
Detail 08.jpg
Detail 09.jpg
Detail 10.jpg
Detail 11.jpg

I spent my childhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The city has many electrical cables draped around the city and symbolically they represent the connection between people through telephone and energy source.

I represent these with twelve small photographs, 10x10cm, inserted into cubes made by mirrors, which together have a sense of infinity when looked at closely. Differing the angle the cubes are viewed reveals different perspectives.

I inserted the same bird in each image to engender thoughts of birds and birds song, very common in the city of São Paulo.

Detail 01.jpg
Detail 02.jpg
Detail 03.jpg
Detail 04.jpg
Detail 05.jpg
Detail 06.jpg
Detail 07.jpg
Detail 08.jpg
Detail 09.jpg
Detail 10.jpg
Detail 11.jpg