Untitled (egg), 2019
Untitled (BIC), 2019
Untitled (cigarettes), 2019
Untitled (battery), 2019
Untitled (mug), 2019
Untitled (black pepper), 2019
Untitled (saw), 2019
Untitled (egg), 2019
Untitled (egg), 2019

Every day is simply platitudes. They are the material objects that surround us beyond our needs and desires. In pursuit of serenity and beauty in my work, I essentially merges the aesthetic with beauty by playing with the shapes and structures of these objects. I create sculptures attracted to desire beyond the original boundaries and banality. In some instances, I adds a touch of humour to further intrigue the audience.

Untitled series represents these values beyond intrinsic functionality. It symbolizes a perfect balance outside the formal structure, but more than that, a confrontation between everyday objects, and uselessness transformed into beautiful and meaningless sculptures.

Untitled (BIC), 2019
Untitled (BIC), 2019
Untitled (cigarettes), 2019
Untitled (cigarettes), 2019
Untitled (battery), 2019
Untitled (battery), 2019
Untitled (mug), 2019
Untitled (mug), 2019
Untitled (black pepper), 2019
Untitled (black pepper), 2019
Untitled (saw), 2019
Untitled (saw), 2019