Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018

The concept was based on my daily consumption. How many cups of tea can I take every day? How about a regular person? I am looking for scientific answers to validate and support my research for this is a basic question.

The concept of the work is based on the Dutch study about drinking moderate amounts of tea, more than six cups a day was linked to the lowest risk (such as the majority of tea consumed was black tea) headline of the BBC:

“People who drink several cups of tea or coffee a day could be at lower risk of heart disease,” reports the BBC. The news channel says drinking tea could cut the chances of a heart attack by up to a third.

However, the based of the study has innumerable variants, such as physical conditioning, lifestyle, smokers, alcohol or heavy drugs addictions, vitamins ingested, height, weight, blood pressure and beyond.

It blows my eyes and gives me the idea of developing the Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018.

My start point was to transform the daily consumption of my PG Tips cups of tea into six minimal sculptures submerged by water and meticulously installed on the wall. A graphic mixture representing: six cups, object, everyday life, consumerism, several cups a day and, lower risk of heart disease / reduce by third.

Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018


Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018


Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018

It is interesting to notice that, I uninstall and kept into my looker since that day: 24 October 2018 and my obsession make me re-photographed and see what’s happening after all: I feel a mix of feeling – in one hand a relief to move on my year tea project and on the other hand this decomposing represent for me the final point of my the PG Tips artwork.

Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018
Untitled (tea bag vi), 2018

Details after six months