Performance Tea Bag, 2018
Performance Tea Bag, 2018
Performance Tea Bag, 2018
Performance Tea Bag, 2018

My interested is explored the intertwined between the real and surreal producing a dialogue between my artworks. I tried to achieve this combining my previous works - Tea bags (series) and Brushing Teeth, 2018. My concept is through the abstract and the figurative elucidate the everydayness.

The general concept was to symbolized the consumerism creating a sculpture. My primary regard was to build eleven rolls of tea bags each with 41 soaked tea bags aligned on the wall. I used around 450 PG Tips tea bags all fixed with individual pins. I was amused by the fluid liquid dripping on the wall and overbuilding the floor creating a strong smelling on the space. I created a visual paradox with a touch of humour.

Performance Tea Bag, 2018
Performance Tea Bag, 2018


Performance Tea Bag, 2018