Untitled (Tea Bag|Allenheads), 2018
A Line Made by Tea, 2018
Untitled (Tea Bag|Allenheads), 2018
Untitled (Tea Bag|Allenheads), 2018

My preparations were to re-create a huge tea bag for me to detach myself, disconnect, drown the tea. I developed this project in London recycled approximately 400 PG Tips tea bags used in my last install at Central Saints Martins and then re-assembling it in Allenheads. The concept idea is to submerge it into a local pond to represent the act of consumerism of drinking tea.

Untitled Tea Bag, 2018
A Line Made by Tea, 2018
A Line Made by Tea, 2018

Based on A Line Made by Walking, 1967 by Richard Long I re-built a line of my used PG Tips tea bags but frustratedly tried to photograph on the mountain: the incessant wind did not allow me to make a straight line up the hill.

Photo credit: Ami Podrebarac